Why do some people purchase beverages at a drive-thru, while others don't?


Our client hired us to provide information on beverage purchasing behavior at quick service restaurants.


We examined customers’ beverage purchasing behavior, particularly at the drive-thru. Our findings led to actionable items, including identifying potential opportunities to increase drink purchases during drive-thru visits.


We used a combination of Online Board Discussions with customers, follow-up focus groups, and eight observational interviews. We experienced the drive-thru with them and captured those moments on video. To dig deeper, we also asked customers to write “love letters” to their favorite beverage. The insights we gleaned enabled our client to craft new messages that tapped into the emotional response customers have to the products.

  • Combination of online and in-person engagement ensured comprehensive results
  • Videos brought the customer journey to life and were quickly shared throughout the client organization
  • Customers’ emotional feedback led to equally emotional target messages from the client
Exploring the influences within the drive-thru category.